‘C’ IS FOR… By Jacqueline Sacs – March 1, 2022
B.C. Before Covid.
C stands for Covid.
C stands for Chemical… Chemtrails in the sky raining down heavy metals on us… Chemicals in the bio weapon… Chemicals in the spike protein to replicate themselves, latch onto the cells, invade our organs…
C stands for Coward… all the complicit sleepwalkers, all the main-stream media reporters and followers, all the devotees… all the mask wearers and all 3 vaccine jabbed…
C stands for Circumcision… All those who volunteered to have truth excised from their brain and Consciousness.
C stands for Chips… microchips on the tip of the Cotton swab with the PCR Covid test… activated by Cell tower 5G
C stands for Cold-hearted… the family and friends who shunned the truthers (us), shunned alternative news sources, whistleblowers, the tarot readers, the psychists, the singers
C stands for Complicit… the huge percentage that, while complying, supported the evil doers and all their nasty fear porn and Crimes against Humanity at large. Capitulating Cowards.
C stands for Calculated… patenting the serum for the Covid shots decades before the deep state launched the virus in China… follow the Continuous paper trail… follow the money trail
C stands for Congress… Complicit in pushing the dark agenda, the acts against citizens who refused to Comply… refused to wear masks… refused to get the Jabbs… refused to shop in stores that enforced the mandate to wear a mask.
C stands for Commercialism… did you notice how mask sellers blossomed and popped up all over the internet? Apparel sellers, Drug sellers, household good sellers… all selling masks… masks coated with fluoride… masks bejeweled with sparkly rhinestones (good for the Rhinos!)… masks with animal faces printed on them, masks with skeletal faces… scarf masks… why, this sounds like Forest Gump and Bubba reciting all the shrimp recipes!
C stands for Compensation… what was that money trail again? Who made big bucks for Complying with the big Brandon Government and Big Pharma? Pfizer made over $81 billion in 2021… Buncombe school Board over $50 million… not to mention All the school boards All over the USA… hospitals made $39,000 for every ventilator they connected to anyone admitted and tested positive for Covid… you know… the PCR test given to a Jack fruit and a Donkey that came up positive for the Big C… all the false test readings… All the dollars racked up in the hospital Coffers for every positive test.
C stands for Conditioned… They had humanity pegged… they knew because they Concocted the agenda for mind fucking the human race… making them compliant and subservient… just like the slaves humanity had Continually become over thousands of years… Fluoride turning the penial gland to stone, recking intuitive factions… Deuterium in the water limiting health and Cognitive powers…
Then there was…
C stands for Convoy… those 53 footers… the cabs with double sleeper Compartments… the non-Compliant Courageous humans that drove them Coast to Coast… City to City… with Consistency… Consecutively… from the City to the Countryside… Contemplating our Constitutional Rights… Confident and righteous…. Collecting global attention… Collaborating for Freedom to end all Covid mandates… merging the Collective of the noncompliant… Crashing the Corruption and Corruptible… Canada… USA… Europe, Scandinavia… ending the Conspiracy against Humanity… 18 wheeling Community… Cars and truCks… Commanding all eyes on Country flags Covering the side and waving in the air… Creating the Chronicle of history in the making… Cultivating the sense of Awakening all over the world for a Cease Fire of the plandemiC… Convoys void of Commerce… breaking the supply Chain… becoming the new Currency… Covering blaCktop worldwide… the new Chapter forging Clarity of Conviction… the Comeback of FREEDOM…
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